Weekdays 10am - 5pm / Saturday 10am - 4pm

Learning: Key Stage 2

To book or enquire, please contact:


Sessions Available

The Soldier’s Story
£75 per session
75 minutes

Through role play, interactive storytelling, and object handling pupils will learn what life was like for a soldier living and fighting on the Western Front during the first World War.

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Keep the Home Fires Burning
75 minutes

In this practical session the children will find out how the First World War affected everyone in Britain. Explore themes such as propaganda, recruitment, the roles of women, life in the trenches and communication. This session brings the impact of the war to life.

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First World War Object Handling Session
75 minutes

Using the experiences of Bury residents as a starting point, this session allows children to gain an understanding of how the First World War affected the lives of men, women and children through object handling and interactive discussion.

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Christmas at the Front
60 minutes

Discover the experiences of First World War soldiers who stopped fighting for Christmas. As the firing ceased on the battlefield, the men came together for a game of football. Through role-play and storytelling, this workshop brings this unforgettable moment in history to life.

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Dad’s Army
75 minutes

Pupils will gain an insight into life in the Home Guard during the Second World War through object handling and entertaining role-play. Pupils will get the chance to experience rifle drill, learn why men joined the Home Guard and what jobs they had to do. This is a fast and lively experience delivered by an ex-soldier.

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Second World War Object Handling Session
75 minutes

Through object handling and interactive discussion, children will gain an understanding of how the Second World War affected the whole family. Dad becomes a soldier, Mum volunteers as an ARP Warden and the children are evacuated.

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